
Zu meinen Kunden gehören:

  • Führungskräfte aus der Wirtschaft (Software AG, Zolar, Crown, Siemens, Bavarian Nordic, FWU, etc.)
  • Generalkonsulate (Dänisches Generalkonsulat, etc.)
  • Privatkunden
  • Ex-Pat-Familien
  • Munich Business School
  • Hochschule München

Was Klienten sagen:

„Kristina hat die einzigartige Gabe, sowohl ein äußerst kompetenter Coach als auch eine überaus inspirierende Motivatorin zu sein. Wir alle haben unsere eigene Art, eine neue Sprache zu lernen… Kristina verfügt über eine seltene Expertise, für jeden einen individuellen Lernweg zu gestalten, der den Prozess effizient, ansprechend und unterhaltsam macht. Kristinas innovativer Lehransatz hat für mich sowohl mein Privat- als auch mein Berufsleben verändert. In kurzer Zeit habe ich riesige Fortschritte in meiner Sprachkompetenz gemacht, die alle anderen Sprachtrainings, die ich zuvor besucht hatte, bei weitem übertrafen. Dank Kristinas Anleitung kann ich jetzt jede Situation in allen Aspekten meines täglichen Lebens in Deutschland problemlos meistern. KRISTINA IST DIE BESTE!“

„An der Munich Business School hatte ich die Chance, zwei Vorlesungen von Dr. Hahn (Cross-Cultural Awareness & Communication und Western European Culture, Politics & Society) zu besuchen. Dr. Hahn ist eine hervorragende Dozentin, die den Studierenden ihr umfangreiches akademisches und berufliches Fachwissen in einer einzigartig interaktiven Lernumgebung bietet und die Vorlesungen so zu den Lieblingsvorlesungen aller Studenten macht. Darüber hinaus finde ich ihre professionelle Arbeitsethik und ihr besonderes Engagement, alles Menschenmögliche zu tun, um andere zu unterstützen und zu fördern, am meisten inspirierend. Ich werde nie vergessen, dass sie meiner dringenden Bitte um ein Empfehlungsschreiben zugestimmt hat, obwohl sie im Urlaub in einem Zelt auf einer Insel campte und nur einen Mini-Laptop und eine Solar-Powerbank zur Hand hatte. Es ist unglaublich selten, Menschen zu finden, die sich gleichermaßen für ihre Karriere einsetzen und ebenso unterstützend für andere da sind. Dr. Hahn ist wirklich ein Vorbild an Hingabe, Empathie und eine besondere Führungskraft, zu der ich und viele andere aufschauen.“

Best coach, wonderful person

Kristina is a superlative coach. She deftly combines a warm and engaging approach with the rigor and structure needed to learn a foreign language. For something so challenging, she makes it “easy” – meaning fun, stimulating and rewarding. As for my situation, my family and I moved to Munich for a job I had taken with a company based there. Up until that point, we had no previous experience with the German language. We then met Kristina and she began working with me and my family. Through her effective coaching and instruction, I was able to attain an EU-recognized “C1”  or “fluency” level in Business German; through working with Kristina, my wife and kids also attained a very strong level in everyday German. During that time, we also formed a great friendship, and although we’ve moved back to California, we continue to stay in touch. Kristina is the best coach, a wonderful person, and a dear friend to us.

“An idol of dedication, empathy and leadership

„At Munich Business School, I have had the pleasure of attending two of Dr. Hahn’s lectures (Cross-Cultural Awareness & Communication and Western European Culture, Politics & Society). Dr Hahn is an outstanding lecturer offering the students her extensive academic and professional expertise in an interactive learning environment, making the lectures everyone’s favourite. On top of that, it is her professional work ethics and dedication to go above and beyond to support others that I find most inspiring. I will never forget her agreeing to my urgent request of a reference letter, even though she was on holiday camping in a tent on an island, with nothing but a mini laptop and a solar power bank at hand. It is incredibly rare to find individuals that are equally devoted to their career and as supportive. Dr. Hahn is truly an idol of dedication, empathy and leadership that I and many others look up to.“

“A unique coach and inspirational motivator

“Kristina has a unique gift of being both an extremely competent coach and an inspirational motivator. We all have our own way to achieve breakthroughs in learning a new language… Kristina has a rare expertise in tailoring individual pathways of learning that make the process efficient, engaging and fun. Kristina’s innovative approach to teaching has been transformative for me in both my personal and professional life. In a short time, I made leaps in my language competence that far exceeded any other language training I’d previously taken. Because of Kristina’s guidance, I’m confident in navigating any situation in all aspects of my daily life in Germany. KRISTINA IS THE BEST!”

Excellent coach, highly recommended

“My family has utilised Dr. Kristina Hahn’s services for the past several yeas in various capacities – conversational German training to improve my German, business presentation practice for corporate meetings for my husband, and exam preparation for various German language exams for our children. She is an excellent coach that not only can make learning German interactive and fun but also can relate to any age group from children to adults. We would highly recommend her as a coach for any of your German language learning needs. “

“Great help in getting permanent residency in Germany“

“I’m so grateful to Kristina for all her help and support in dealing with the German authorities. I would not have been able to get my ‚Niederlassungserlaubnis‘ without her.”